
What emerges after losing your will to live

and other truths that make it impossible to keep doing life the old way

This whole week’s been juicy with something big within me percolating its way to the surface. I still don’t know what it is, but it’s led to tears streaming down my face at the most random moments, waking up hearing a faint whisper saying, “you’re doing something wrong,” and saying FUCKIT to the limiting expectations that linger in the spaces I’m in—online, family, society, relationships...all of it.

Throw in the humid, hot weather here in Los Cabos, Mexico and you’ve got a Gladys who is ready to burn through the bullshit she’s seeing all around her. 🔥

don’t fuck with me, I have style.

So in the spirit of tossing out whatever bullshit’s been stinking up your trash lately, here’s a look at the truths that soften me in the moments when it’s all too much. That give me clarity in the space of uncertainty. And that remind me to let go when old patterns get triggered.

Because at the end of the day…

Nothing matters. Unless I choose it to matter.

I believe life comes with no built-in meaning. We get to choose what anything means which gives us a great sense of agency—if we take responsibility for it. Nowadays, I’m deliberate about what meaning I put onto anything, especially when it comes to making shit that doesn’t matter mean more to me than it should. It’s been tremendously liberating.

The outcome?

I feel greater freedom to let Gladys BE in whatever form that takes shape. If I feel depleted, inspired, angry, or happy, I let it be. I don’t put the energy I used to into analyzing what I’m feeling (big feat for this clinical psychologist here) or pressuring myself to get over the “negative” feeling because it’s not high vibe. I let it simply mean I’ve having an emotion—and that’s all.

I’m now braver in how I show up in the world which includes sharing my experiences with you as I’m in the middle of it all. Normally I’d successfully get to the other side of hardship before teaching anything around it. But I’ve learned that life also happens in the in-betweens, so it’s important to shine a light on that deeply disgusting cocoon space rather than just focus on the beautiful butterfly breakthroughs.

Love reveals truth and love heals.

When I became completely cut off from every spiritual belief I had and my faith disintegrated into nothing last year, I still had love. Even loving my new haircut was fuel for the day to just show up and be.

The thing with love is it exists whether you believe it or not. You may turn your back to it or believe you can’t receive it, but it’s there in the soft breeze on your skin. In the unexpected call from an old friend who wanted to see how you’re doing. In a stranger seeing you cry on the beach and coming up to gently say hello.

I’ve had so much love come my way even when I was energetically at my lowest. Which got me to conclude that the whole “you attract what you are” or “you receive what you’re a vibrational match for” sayings taught by those professing the law of attraction stuff needs updating.

It’s easy to misinterpret these sayings to mean that you need to keep your vibe “high” for you to manifest what you want in life. Which erroneously lead us to believe that if we feel like shit, we’re “resisting” or blocking the manifestation from happening.

I call bullshit.

The Law of Just Being Fucking Human.

Manifesting is what we do All. The. Time. It’s not a magic trick that works if you did your vision board right. You’re manifesting your entire life right now as you read this. And you’ll do it again tomorrow and each day for the rest of your life.

When you feel great and receive something you want, you’re quick to say that you manifested it because you were vibing high like a good spiritual student. But if you’re vibing low and that happens, you call it “a miracle” or an “act of God” as if someone took pity on you and cut you a break…like the unexplained (to this day) $4000 payment posted to my account that allowed me to buy my car when I had no funds.

We need to get rid of this “high” and “low” vibe labeling because all it does it reinforce that there’s a good and bad way to feel which is crap because remember, nothing in this world has any meaning until we give it meaning. Emotions are simply experiences and they’re all here for us to experience the full spectrum of what it is to be human.

So whether you’re feeling heartbroken and lost with no clarity or solace, or feeling confident AF and joyfully easing through life, please know that you can still get what you desire…

Because love.

Love doesn’t abandon you. It doesn’t need you to ride a high flying disc in order to come your way. It doesn’t judge you or withhold itself to teach you a lesson because there are no lessons to learn. *read that again*

No matter if you’re broken or blissed-out, love simply is. It will always show up through an infinite number of ways that we like to call magic, miracles, or manifestation to make it feel special. But like the air surrounding you, so is love.

Know love to be true and something will unlock inside of you that sets you free to show up in all your humanness. Unfazed by how you feel because you know your feelings won’t determine your worthiness for love. Indifferent to how high or low on the enlightenment scale you are because either way, love is there.

And that kind of knowing, for me, is true freedom.


PS. To listen to my full interview on the How I See It podcast, head over here.

PPS. I know, sensitive everything in this piece. AND. What’d it bring up for you? How are you feeling after receiving this? Let me know in the comments.

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